To visit us

SET has one production site located in France and serves the clients through a network of independent sales representatives.

SET Corporation SA

Smart Equipment Technology
131, impasse Barteudet
74490 Saint Jeoire - France
Tel.: +33 (0)450 35 83 92
Fax: +33 (0)450 35 88 01

Driving Directions map

GPS coordinates:
Longitude: 06° / 27' / 27'' E
Latitude  : 46° / 08' / 09'' N

Sales contacts

For Sales & Customer Support worldwide,
please contact:

SET Corporation SA
Pascal Metzger

CEO / Commercial
Direct: +33 (0)4 50 35 38 07

SET General Terms of Offer and Sales

Sales Representative Network

Please consult our list of Sales Representatives.


Contact inquiry

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